First Place Scholars have been busy learning and having fun! During Black History Month, they learned about Black inventors and creating their own inventions. Classroom 3 students created their own inventions using items that could be found around their homes and classrooms. The students were giving the instructions to think of an invention, the purpose of their invention, and then come up with the name for their invention(s). Here are the results.
Classroom 3, had an experiment using eggshells and liquid then predicting how the liquid would affect the eggshells. The eggshells is an example of how the liquids we drink effect our teeth. They learned the importance of brushing their teeth so that the sugar bugs won’t ruin them.
For Dental Hygiene Month Classroom 1 had an Eating healthy Snacks cooking project, then enjoyed eating after making them.
Wrap around Care is a fun place to be, Mrs. Cheryl is holding up the rear of a train our scholars created.